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Text File  |  1997-10-18  |  3KB  |  129 lines

  1. object SelectYsflDir: TSelectYsflDir
  2.   Left = 172
  3.   Top = 116
  4.   BorderIcons = [biHelp]
  5.   BorderStyle = bsDialog
  6.   Caption = 'Select Youseful Delphi Component directory'
  7.   ClientHeight = 150
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  25.   end
  26.   object Label1: TLabel
  27.     Left = 8
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  30.     Height = 33
  31.     AutoSize = False
  32.     Caption = 
  33.       'The entry in the registry that tells where the Youseful Delphi C' +
  34.       'omponents are is incorrect or missing.'
  35.     WordWrap = True
  36.   end
  37.   object Label2: TLabel
  38.     Left = 112
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  44.   object Label3: TLabel
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  47.     Width = 165
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  49.     Caption = 'Could not find the following file(s):'
  50.     Visible = False
  51.   end
  52.   object Label4: TLabel
  53.     Left = 8
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  55.     Width = 385
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  57.     AutoSize = False
  58.     Caption = 
  59.       ' Please enter the directory in the edit box below. You may brows' +
  60.       'e your computer by clicking on the button to the right.'
  61.     WordWrap = True
  62.   end
  63.   object Edit1: TEdit
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  85.     Items.Strings = (
  86.       'idapinst.dll'
  87.       'yousefulloadprogram.exe'
  88.       'ordlg_WelcomeDlg.pas'
  89.       'ordlg_WelcomeDlg.dfm'
  90.       'ordlg_SelectLanguage.pas'
  91.       'ordlg_SelectLanguage.dfm'
  92.       'ordlg_SelectFolder.pas'
  93.       'ordlg_SelectFolder.dfm'
  94.       'ordlg_Readme.pas'
  95.       'ordlg_Readme.dfm'
  96.       'ordlg_License.pas'
  97.       'ordlg_License.dfm'
  98.       'ordlg_InstallType.pas'
  99.       'ordlg_InstallType.dfm'
  100.       'ordlg_FileGroupSelect.pas'
  101.       'ordlg_FileGroupSelect.dfm'
  102.       'ordlg_CustomDuringCopy.pas'
  103.       'ordlg_CustomDuringCopy.dfm'
  104.       'ordlg_CopyFile.pas'
  105.       'ordlg_CopyFile.dfm'
  106.       'ordlg_CustomBeforeInstall.pas'
  107.       'ordlg_CustomBeforeInstall.dfm'
  108.       'ordlg_BadInstallForm.pas'
  109.       'ordlg_BadInstallForm.dfm'
  110.       'ordlg_CustomAfterGoodInstall.pas'
  111.       'ordlg_CustomAfterGoodInstall.dfm'
  112.       'ordlg_CustomAfterBadInstall.pas'
  113.       'ordlg_CustomAfterBadInstall.dfm'
  114.       'idapi32.cnf'
  115.       'sql_lic.dat')
  116.     TabOrder = 2
  117.     Visible = False
  118.   end
  119.   object MissingFiles: TListBox
  120.     Left = 112
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  126.     Visible = False
  127.   end
  128. end